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Some Common problems which users can face are :

  1. Chat website not working

 Sometimes you when you browsing our chat-buddies on your browser, you may face various problems if you are facing a connecting issue with our website.

First check whether you are connected to Internet properly or not. It can be sometimes issue with your Internet connection or services could be down from your service provider side. If that part is okay, then the secondly check your browser installed on Pc or Android mobiles/ iphones etc. update your browser.

  • 2Chat website down

We are always trying to serve you better services from our end. For this, we need maintenance of our servers and updation of chat software’s from time to time.

You may see just a blank page or loading animation – even after checking it in incognito mode. If error 404 is showing on your screen that means we are under maintenance of our chat website.

  • 3Slow Loading of chat site/ Chat room

This is a common problem too users face while chatting on our website, clear your history and cache of web browser either you are using mobile or Desktop. Because this will help to delete your junk files or caches related to our chat site.